Jurisdiction and Legislation

Jurisdiction map of The Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner of BC


The Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner (OPCC) oversees processing of complaints from these 15 BC police departments and agencies.

Our jurisdiction also covers special municipal constables, appointed under the Police Act. This includes:

  • Jail guards.
  • Traffic authority and community safety members.
  • Auxiliary/reserve constables employed as special municipal constables.

We do not have jurisdiction over RCMP complaints. Read on to find out more.

Other Agencies

There are two other agencies who either investigate police incidents or oversee police complaints, including for the RCMP.

1. Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP (CRCC)

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act provides a separate process for complaints about RCMP officers. The CRCC is an independent agency created to ensure that RCMP officer conduct complaints are examined fairly and impartially.

The CRCC conducts:

  • reviews when complainants are not satisfied.
  • investigations, holds hearings, reports findings, and makes recommendations for changes to national policing policies and practices.

For more information about the CRCC, please visit www.crcc-ccetp.gc.ca.

If you wish to file a complaint against an RCMP officer, please contact:

Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP
National Intake Office
PO Box 1722, Station B
Ottawa, ON K1P 0B3

Website: www.crcc-ccetp.gc.ca

2. Independent Investigations Office (IIO)

The IIO is a BC civilian organization investigating officer-involved incidents that result in serious harm or death. They determine if an officer may have committed a criminal offence. The IIO has jurisdiction over:

  • BC municipal police agencies.
  • the RCMP.
  • officers appointed as Special Constables when they are exercising their authority as Special Constables.

For more information about the IIO, please visit www.iiobc.ca.


The OPCC is guided by the BC Police Act. This legislation gives the Police Complaint Commissioner certain powers to oversee investigations into police misconduct. The Act also sets out the rights of complainants and respondent officers.

The Commissioner can also make recommendations on improving policing under the Police Act.

See our Annual Reports for more information.