Do you have a complaint about the police in British Columbia?

Do you have a complaint about the police in British Columbia?

The Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner promotes accountable policing within our communities through impartial, transparent civilian oversight. We are here to inform, advise, and assist anyone involved in the municipal police complaints process.

Territorial Acknowledgement

Our office is located on the unceded traditional lands of the Lək̓ʷəŋən (Lekwungen) People and ancestors and our work extends across the homelands of the Indigenous peoples within what we now call British Columbia. We honour the many territorial keepers of the lands and waters where we work.

What's New?

The Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner has launched the Discipline Decisions Digest. This database contains information and data about police misconduct and is being shared to support transparency and accountability under the Police Act.

For more information, click here

Message from the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner

Welcome to the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner for British Columbia. As part of our mandate to provide independent oversight of police conduct, we seek to be accessible to all British Columbians.

Policing in Canada finds its foundation on a bedrock of public trust.  Maintaining that trust is achieved in large measure by ensuring the police conduct themselves in a manner reflective of the values and expectations of the diverse communities they serve.  We at the OPCC strive to listen closely to the voices of all British Columbians so that we may best serve the public interest in furtherance of accountable, transparent and compassionate policing.

This website is one place to learn about our office and the work we do therefore we look forward to hearing from British Columbians.  Please contact us at: if you have comments or feedback.

OPCC Complaints

The Office of Police Complaints Commissioner has jurisdiction over municipal police officers in British Columbia.

If you wish to make a complaint involving other types of law enforcement officers, including provincial compliance and enforcement officers, RCMP, or municipal by-law officers, the OPCC will assist you with contacting the responsible government or oversight agency or by receiving and forwarding your complaint to those agencies on your behalf.

Latest News

March 10, 2025

Victoria – The Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner (OPCC) has launched an online searchable database of substantiated allegations of misconduct and corresponding disciplinary measures that is available to the public.

View Release (.pdf)

January 9, 2025

Victoria - The Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner’s (OPCC) 2023-2024 Annual Report has been reported to the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and posted on the OPCC’s website.

View Release (.pdf)

December 11, 2024

Victoria – The Police Complaint Commissioner has called a public hearing into the conduct of seven Vancouver Police officers and the subsequent death of Myles Gray on August 13, 2015. Myles Gray died after police responded to a 911 call and used significant force to subdue and restrain him. The public hearing will determine whether police committed any misconduct.

View Release (.pdf)