Judicial Reviews
A Judicial Review is a legal process that take place at the Supreme Court of BC. In this type of review, a sitting Supreme Court Judge will review a decision that has been made by an administrative tribunal or an administrative decision maker. A Judicial Review is not a re-trial or rehearing of your case. The judge does not focus on whether they would have made a different decision than that of the original decision maker. Instead, the judge focuses on determining whether the decision maker had the authority to make a particular decision and whether the decision maker exercised that authority. The Supreme Court judge may also be asked to review the interpretation and application of legislation to a matter.
September 6, 2017
Supreme Court of British Columbia Before: The Honourable Mr. Justice Bowden Regina v. Scott Plummer
March 28, 2017
Supreme Court of British Columbia The Victoria and Esquimalt Police Board (Petitioner) and the Police Complaint Commissioner (Respondent) Notice of Hearing
Supreme Court of British Columbia The Victoria and Esquimalt Police Board (Petitioner) and the Police Complaint Commissioner (Respondent) Petition to the Court
Supreme Court of British Columbia The Victoria and Esquimalt Police Board (Petitioner) and The Police Complaint Commissioner (Respondent) Affidavit of Mayor Lisa Helps
September 15, 2016
Supreme Court of Canada Before: The Honourable Madame Justice McLachlin, the Honourable Mr. Justice Moldaver and the Honourable Mr. Justice Gascon The Police Complaint Commissioner of British Columbia (Applicant) and the Abbotsford Police Department and the Attorney General of British Columbia (Respondents) and between the Police Complaint Commissioner of British Columbia (Applicant) and the Abbotsford Police Department and the Attorney General of British Columbia (Respondents)– Judgement SCC Case Number 36855
36855 Case Summary
March 21, 2016