Media Releases

For media enquiries, media releases, or to arrange an interview, please contact Ms. Andrea Spindler, Deputy Police Complaint Commissioner at 250-356-7458 or


October 2, 2018

Public Hearing into the conduct of Constable Diaz and former Constable Hughes. The Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner wishes to advise the media that the scheduled hearing dates of October 9, 10, 11 and 12, 2018, at the Robson Square Courthouse, Room #109 at 09:30am, in Vancouver have been cancelled. Further updates regarding this matter will be provided at a later date. View Release (.pdf)

October 1, 2018

On September 26th, 2018, the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner (OPCC) released a public report confirming the decisions of the two retired judges as final and conclusive. In the Commissioner’s review of the Mayors’ discipline process (at page 40 of the report), he quoted from the covering letter that the internal investigator sent to the Mayors, dated November 16, 2015. It seems that the Commissioner’s reference to that letter, without the content of the entire letter, has created some confusion as to when the Mayors knew about allegations of bullying and harassment against former chief Frank Elsner. For the purposes of clarity, the Commissioner is releasing the letter in its entirety, except for two portions that are not relevant, which have been removed. The letter is attached to the Media Statement. View Release (.pdf)

September 26, 2018

Police Complaint Commissioner Stan T. Lowe has completed a review of two investigations and subsequent discipline proceedings involving former Chief Constable Frank Elsner. The discipline proceedings took place before retired Chief Judge Carol Baird Ellan and retired Justice Ian Pitfield, acting as Discipline Authorities. The Commissioner has determined that it is in the public interest to release to the public his Summary Informational Report: “Review of The Investigations and Disciplinary Process Concerning Frank Elsner.” The Report includes aspects of the police discipline process, including relevant excerpts from the retired judges decisions in each discipline proceeding. View Release (.pdf)

Summary Informational Report View Release (.pdf)

September 17, 2018

The Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner wishes to advise the media that the Public Hearing involving Inspector John de Haas of the Vancouver Police Department, before the adjudicator, Retired Judge Carol Baird Ellan, is to be continued on September 19, 2018. The Public Hearing is scheduled to reconvene on September 19, 2018, at the Robson Square Courthouse, Room #109 at 09:00 am, in Vancouver. View Release (.pdf)

August 15, 2018

The Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner wishes to advise the media that dates have been set for the Public Hearing into allegations of misconduct against Constable Mark Lobel and Constable Viet Hoang of the Vancouver Police Department. The scheduled hearing dates are September 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 2018, and November 13, 14 and 16, 2018, at the Vancouver Robson Square Courthouse in Courtroom #109, starting at 9:30am View Release (.pdf)

July 30, 2018

The Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner has decided it is in the public interest to post the correspondence letters from the BC Association of Municipal Chiefs of Police and the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner, in relation to concerns regarding this office’s approach in cases of on duty motor vehicle incidents involving police officers, potential violations under the Motor Vehicle Act and corresponding allegations of misconduct pursuant to the Police Act. This disclosure is made pursuant to section 95 of the Police Act. View Release (.pdf)

BC Chiefs of Police Letter to PCC Lowe View Release (.pdf)

OPCC Response to BC Chiefs of Police View Release (.pdf)

OPCC Response to BC Chiefs of Police Additional Information View Release (.pdf)

July 23, 2018

The Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner wishes to advise the media that dates have been set for the continuation of the Public Hearing into allegations of misconduct against Constable Diaz and former Constable Hughes of the South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Police Service. The scheduled hearing dates are October 9, 10, 11 and 12, 2018, and January 8, 9 and 11, 2019, at the Robson Square Courthouse, Room #109 at 09:30am, in Vancouver. View Release (.pdf)

July 19, 2018

The Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner wishes to advise the media that the Public Hearing involving Inspector John de Haas of the Vancouver Police Department, before the adjudicator, Retired Judge Carol Baird Ellan, is to be heard July 25, 26, 27, and 30, 2018. The Public Hearing is scheduled to commence July 25, 2018, at the Robson Square Courthouse, Room #109 at 10:00 am, in Vancouver. View Release (.pdf)

July 19, 2018

The Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner wishes to advise the media that the Public Hearing involving Constable Brian Hobbs of the Vancouver Police Department, before the adjudicator, Retired Judge Brian Neal is to be continued on July 25, 2018. The Public Hearing is scheduled to reconvene on July 25, 2018, at the Robson Square Courthouse, Room #109 at 9:00 am, in Vancouver. View Release (.pdf)

July 18, 2018

The Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner has decided it is in the public interest to post the latest letter from BC Civil Liberties and the Union of BC Indian Chiefs to the Vancouver Police Board in relation to the method of investigation of their previous street checks complaint. This disclosure is made pursuant to section 95 of the Police Act. View Release (.pdf)

UBCIC BCCLA Letter to Vancouver Police Board View Release (.pdf)

Vancouver Police Board Concluding Letter View Release (.pdf)

OPCC's Review of Vancouver Police Board Concluding Letter View Release (.pdf)

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