Information Bulletins & Guidelines

OPCC Information Bulletins:

Under section 177 of the Police Act, the Police Complaint Commissioner is generally responsible for overseeing and monitoring complaints, investigations and the administration of discipline to ensure that the purposes of the Police Act are achieved. The Police Complaint Commissioner must also inform, advise and assist all participants in the police complaint process. To that end, the Police Complaint Commissioner may issue, periodically revise, or rescind Information Bulletins which provide clarifying information with respect to various aspects of the Police Act.

OPCC Guidelines:

Under section 177 (2) of the Police Act, the Police Complaint Commissioner must establish guidelines with respect to the following areas:

  1. How complaints are made.
  2. Service or Policy Complaints.
  3. How municipal police departments receive and handle questions and concerns made by a member of the public.
  4. Establish Forms, such as the Complaint Form, Question or Concern form, or the Reportable Injury & Serious Harm reporting form.

Under section 89 of the Police Act, the Police Complaint Commissioner may issue guidelines with respect to the criteria to be applied by a chief constable in determining whether an injury constitutes serious harm.

Under sections 156 and 177(4) of the Police Act, the Police Complaint Commissioner may issue guidelines with respect to the following areas:

  1. Resolution of Complaints by Mediation or other informal means.
  2. Members and municipal police departments notifying the OPCC upon discovering potential misconduct. 
  3. Procedural aspects related to: 
    1. Disclosure of information to parties answering questions, or providing information or a statement.
    2. Maintaining confidentiality in any aspect of an investigation.
    3. Members’ duty to cooperate with an investigation. 
    4. Matters related to discipline proceedings. 
  4. Administrative or procedural matters associated with investigations that lack specific or complete provisions in the Police Act. 
  5. Duty of municipal police boards to establish policy for service and police complaints.