
Overlaying the investigative and disciplinary process is an adjudicative function that employs retired members of the judiciary. These “retired judges” perform several adjudicative functions acting as a check and balance on decisions made by senior police officers about police misconduct and discipline. At various points in the proceedings, the Police Complaint Commissioner may appoint a retired judge previously recommended by the Associate Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to adjudicate and decide the matter.

There are three avenues under the Police Act for adjudicative review:

  1. Section 117 Review.
  2. Review on the Record.
  3. Public Hearing.

In cases where the Police Complaint Commissioner refers a matter to a retired judge for a Public Hearing or Review on the Record, these matters are public and decisions are posted to the OPCC website unless the adjudicator has imposed a ban or limitation on the release of any information.

For Section 117 Reviews, where a retired judge is appointed by the Police Complaint Commissioner at an earlier point in the complaint process, those cases are anonymized and posted to the OPCC website upon their conclusion.

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